Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's-a me, Mario!

It's official now, I'm addicted to Super Mario World. Like it's anything unusual, especially when you play some good ROM Hack, in my case TSRPR(The Second Reality Project Reloaded). It's really better than it sounds, it has got mostly well designed and reasonably difficult levels, great music and sexy graphic overhaul of the original sprites. I'm now steadily advancing through the game and with luck I'll be able to finish it. Which is quite an achievement actually, because from what I know, the final levels are damn brutal. Hell yeah I'm now on my way to becoming socially inept, hardcore gaming nerd. Which is quite better than just socially inept nerd in my opinion. I don't like half-assing things, if I have to fail at living, then at least I'm going to do it in damn spectacular way.

Crap, now I've realised that this post nearly doesn't sound like it's from an angsty teen. Well, whatever! Being high on Mario does funny things to people...
And I just think I'll have another shot. Off to the Thirdspace then!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New year? Yay...

Oh yeah people. 2010 is dead, long live 2011! Now that the old bugger is out of the way, we can finally piss on that f*****'s grave and make preposterous new year resolutions 'cause we already forgotten how that worked out the last time. Meh' nihil novi sub sole, it's the same shit all over and over again. It's even pretty meta, seeing as nothing I have written so far is anything original. But you know, I wanted to say this to explain why I am surprisingly content, that I spent New Year's Eve the most uninteresting and antisocial way I can imagine: checking Facebook, playing Super Mario, reading web-comics and listening to metal. Oh wait, I could have been checking Cheezburger... well, they didn't have much new stuff from the day before, so I think the point still stands. So... what the flak I'm trying to say here anyway? Well, whatever. I think I'll just wish you all a happy new f*****g year and call it a day.

So guys and gals, best of luck so that the new year will sodomise you the most gentle way possible and that you hopefully be this time next year still alive. Bottom up!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Another too damn long winter night...

Meh, I'm bored. Really bored. So, what could I do to at least partially fix this? Yes! I could pointlessly update my unused and therefore useless blog. Yay! And what should I write about? Hm, perhaps I could tell you, my hypothetical reader, what is ticking me off right now. Among other things, it is the winter. Yup, that's right! There have been times where I used to like it, what's more I even looked forward to it! But not any more. My stance now has several "toos" in it. More precisely, too cold, too much necessary clothing, too much time till summer. Yeah, summer's now my most favourite season by far, which sucks. It means that I spend most of the year in above average irritation. But that's just how things are, and I pretty much can't do anything about it... Unless I move to a warmer climate! Yes, that's it! I'm going to... Nah, nah, nah, that smells of too much schweinfest, I'll guest I rather return to being really, really bored.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The first post

Oh, the world is full of paradoxes. When I have finally decided to make a blog to have a place, where I can rant about current world events, politics and other things that make the world even worse than it is I currently can't think of anything. Sad.